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Sources historiques chrétiennes et musulmanes / Christian and Muslim historical sources


CFEE Monthly Seminar on Medieval and Post-Medieval History of Ethiopia, 2nd year (2014-2015)

5ème séance / 5th session : Christian and Muslim sources, par / by Daniel Assefa (Capucin Center for Research and Spiritual Retreat & CFEE) et / and Anne Regourd (UMR 7192 “Proche-Orient & Caucase” & ERC Islam in the Horn of Africa)

Mardi 24 mars 2015, 14h-17h, Bibliothèque d’études éthiopiennes Berhanou Abebe (CFEE) / Tuesday, March 24th 2015, 2-5 PM, Berhanou Abebe Library of Ethiopian Studies (CFEE).

1. The military campaigns of King Amda Tseyon (1314-1344) : a literary analysis, par / by Daniel Assefa

The way the military campaigns of Amda Seyon are narrated can tells us a lot about the narrator’s point of view, his values and his wishes. How does the narrator communicate to the reader? From which perspective does he tell the events? For which characters does he show a special sympathy? How does he describe space and time? A literary analysis may help to understand better the events, the characters and the settings expressed in the story of Amda Tseyon’s military campaigns and to answer some of the questions mentioned above.

2. The project to make a catalogue of the manuscripts of the Abdullahi Sharif Library, Harar, par / by Anne Regourd

The library of the Abdullahi Sharif Museum in Harar, a private collection accessible to the public, is one of the most famous  in Ethiopia. It is also distinguished by its collection of Arabic manuscripts, which already exceeds 800 items, and is constantly increasing. After the catalogue of the Institute for Ethiopian Studies (IES) collection of Arabic manuscripts, based at the University of Addis Ababa, was published in November 2014, the “Islam in the Horn of Africa” ERC Program set up the project to catalogue the Abdullahi Sharif Library. This talk will present the project,  the first fascicule of catalogue, which contains 99 entries, and the first outcomes.

Photo : A. Wion

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Secrétaire Scientifique (19 mars 2015). Sources historiques chrétiennes et musulmanes / Christian and Muslim historical sources. UN ŒIL SUR LA CORNE / AN EYE ON THE HORN. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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