Study-day / Journée d’étude – Christianization processes in Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia (Paris)
Christianization processes along the Nile: Texts, monasticism and ecclesiastic structures in Egypt, Ethiopia and Nubia
Processus de christianisation le long du Nil : Textes, monachisme et structures ecclésiastiques en Egypte, Ethiopie et Nubie
CéSor-LabEx haStec – IMAF – Orient & Méditerranée
Mardi 20 juin, 9h30-18h00 / Tuesday 20 June, 09:00 to 18:00
Lieu / Venue: Maison de la recherche de l’Université Paris IV, Salle D421 (23 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris, France).
Présentation / Presentation
The purpose of this workshop is to go beyond the question of the first official acts of conversion to Christianity, by observing the ebb and flow of Christianization processes in Egyptian, Nubian and Ethiopian societies from the first centuries AD to the High Middle Ages. What is the meaning of being Christian, of identifying oneself as member of the Christian community? Answers will be sought along the Nile, through interconnected, albeit distant, Christian (and non-Christian) societies. Texts will be scrutinized as well as ritual or legal practices to contribute to the understanding of social and material implications of conversion.
Le but de cette journée d’étude est de dépasser la question des premiers actes officiels de conversion au christianisme, en observant le reflux et l’évolution des processus de christianisation dans les sociétés égyptiennes, nubiennes et éthiopiennes depuis les premiers siècles de l’ère chrétienne jusqu’au Moyen-Âge central. Quel est le sens d’être chrétien, de s’identifier comme membre de la communauté chrétienne ? Des réponses seront recherchées le long du Nil, à travers des sociétés chrétiennes (et non chrétiennes) connectées les unes aux autres, bien que distantes. Des textes seront examinés aussi bien que des pratiques rituelles ou juridiques pour contribuer à la compréhension des implications sociales et matérielles de la conversion.
Morning Session
Discussant : Françoise Briquel Chatonnet (CNRS, Orient & Méditerranée)
- 9h00 – Welcoming participants
- 9h15 – Presentation of the meeting, Marie-Laure Derat (CNRS, Orient et Méditerranée), Eloi Ficquet (EHESS, CéSor)
Religious Texts : circulations and transations
- 9h30 – Alessandro Bausi (Universität Hamburg): The Christianization process in Ethiopia: Assessment of the earlier literary Ethiopian corpus
- 10h00 – Emmanuel Fritsch (independent researcher, fellow of the CFEE, Addis Ababa): The Transformation of the Anaphora of the “Apostolic Tradition” into the Ge’ez Anaphora of the Apostles and Its Protagonists
- 10h30 – Discussion and break
Monachism in Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia
- 11h15 – Arietta Papaconstantinou (University of Reading): From recruitment to control: the changing image of the “good Christian” in Egyptian monastic discourse
- 11h45 – Alexandros Tsakos (University of Bergen): The Christianization of Nubia and the world of Coptic monasticism
Afternoon Session
Discussant: Bertrand Hirsch (Université Paris 1, IMAF)
- 14h30 – Antonella Brita (CSMC, Universität Hamburg): Between history and fiction: the role of hagiography in the reconstruction of the Christianization of Ethiopia and the emergence of a local monasticism
- 15h00 – Discussion and break
Chrsitianization of the territory
- 15h45 – Robin Seignobos (Université Paris 1, IMAF): The extent and limits of Christianization in Medieval Nubia as reflected by some recently discovered Copto-Arabic lists of bishoprics
- 16h15 – Marie-Laure Derat (CNRS, Orient et Méditerranée): Churches, land and dependents: the Christianization of the landscape in the 12th century
- 16h45 – Discussion
Booking / Réservation souhaitable:
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Secrétaire Scientifique (7 juin 2017). Study-day / Journée d’étude – Christianization processes in Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia (Paris). UN ŒIL SUR LA CORNE / AN EYE ON THE HORN. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse