Archaeology in Ethiopia: Current research (CFEE-AAU seminar)
Archaeology in Ethiopia: Current research
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 9:30am-12pm & 2pm-4:10pm
Ras Mekonnen Hall, Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University
Free entrance.
Graduate seminar organized by Manon Routhiau (Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, TRACES, Orient & Méditerranée, CFEE) & Alemseged Beldados (Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Addis Ababa University).
9:30am. Opening.
9:40am. Alemseged Beldados: Introduction.
9:50am. Negasi Awetehey: “An Archaeological study of the rock art site of Emba Tsegurom, Gendebta, Tigray (Northern Ethiopia)”.
10:10am. Friyat Angesom: “The study of pottery collections from the settlement site of Segalem: 2010 field season”.
10:30am. Discussion.
10:40am. Break.
11:10am. Firie Tefera: “Archaeobotanical and ethnoarchaeological studies for understanding early food production at Genneta Maryam (Lalibela)”.
11:30am. Manon Routhiau: “The rupestrian activity and the troglodytic culture in Lalibela’s landscape: summary of the first surveys”.
11:50am. Discussion.
12pm. Lunch break.
2pm. Tefera Tarekegn: “Human-environment interactions in the Bale Mountains during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene epochs: anthracological study”.
2:20pm. Seminew Asrat: “An investigation of Later Stone Age lithic assemblages from Laga Oda rock shelter (Southeastern Ethiopia)”.
2:40pm. Discussion.
2:50pm. Break.
3:20pm. Endris Hussein: “An investigation of the Mid 6th-15th centuries AD archaeobotanical remains from the site of Harlaa (Eastern Ethiopia)”.
3:40pm. Caroline Robion-Brunner, Friyat Angesom & Alebachew Birru: “Paleometallurgy in Wello and Semien Shewa Area (Amhara National Region State, Ethiopia)”.
4pm. Discussion.
4:10pm. Manon Routhiau: Conclusion.
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Secrétaire Scientifique (19 avril 2021). Archaeology in Ethiopia: Current research (CFEE-AAU seminar). UN ŒIL SUR LA CORNE / AN EYE ON THE HORN. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse