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A guide for the railway city of Dire Dawa


Dire DawaT. Osmond, N. Deleau, J. Le Péchon, 2013, Ethiopian City Guides: Dire Dawa, Addis Ababa, CFEE/Shama Books, 59 p.

Située entre Addis-Abeba et Djibouti, Dire Dawa raconte l’épopée fascinante du chemin de fer éthio-djiboutien. Dire Dawa est le premier des City Guides publié par le CFEE en partenariat avec Shama Books (Addis-Abeba), et avec le soutien de l’Ambassade de France en Éthiopie et, ici, de l’Administration de Dire Dawa. Il propose à ses lecteurs quatre itinéraires pour découvrir ou redécouvrir un patrimoine urbain méconnu, celui de la grande cité ferroviaire de l’Est éthiopien.

Located between Addis Ababa and Djibouti, Dire Dawa tells the fascinating story of the Ethio-Djiboutian railway. Dire Dawa is the first of the City Guides published by CFEE in partnership with Shama Books (Addis Ababa), supported by the French Embassy to Ethiopia and here by the Dire Dawa Administration. It suggests to its readers four itineraries to discover or rediscover the little known urban heritage of the great railway city of Eastern Ethiopia.

Amistegna, le quartier natal du chanteur Ali Birra / Amistegna, the birth quarter of the singer Ali Birra

Amistegna, le quartier natal du chanteur Ali Birra / Amistegna, the birth quarter of the singer Ali Birra

Ethiopian City Guides: Dire Dawa

Located between Addis Ababa and Djibouti, Dire Dawa incarnates the regional epic of the railway industry in Eastern Ethiopia. Since more than a century, the city bridges Ethiopian highlands, Europe and the Middle East. Rooted in rich cultural legacies, the historical neighbourhoods of Dire Dawa value the hospitality of these lowlands below the fertile plateau of Harar.

About he authors:

Assistant professor in Addis Ababa University and former assistant professor at Haramaya University, associate researcher at CFEE, Thomas Osmond is a social anthropologis. He has conducted several inquiries into regional history and Muslim Sufi communities. Painter, writer and professor of literature, Nicolas Deleau produced the illustrations of the volume. Jonathan Le Péchon is a graphic designer. He has been living in the Ethiopian capital since 2007. After working for several visual communication agencies in France and Ethiopia, he is now an independent graphic designer in Addis Ababa.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Secrétaire Scientifique (1 janvier 2013). A guide for the railway city of Dire Dawa. UN ŒIL SUR LA CORNE / AN EYE ON THE HORN. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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