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Étiqueté : Documentary

Documentary Screenning: Ethiopia, the mystery of phallic stone / AEF-CFEE Forum

DOCUMENTAIRE / DOCUMENTARY Ethiopia, the mystery of the phallic stone By Alain Tixier (2019) Friday 17th November, 4:30PM @ Alliance Ethio-french (Piazza) English version (52 min)/ Free entrance   The CFEE and AEF propose...

Documentary Screening: Abraham & Sarah Hosting the Gundagundo Pilgrims, Thursday 28th October 2021, 4 PM

DOCUMENTARY / DOCUMENTAIRE Abraham & Sarah II. Hosting the Gundagundo Pilgrims By Tesfahun Haddis (2018) Thursday 28th October 2021, 4 PM @ CFEE   To pursue the weekly screening cycle of ethnographic and archaeological...

Documentaire: “Ethiopie, la légende de Lalibela”

DOCUMENTAIRE / DOCUMENTARY “Enquêtes archéologiques: Ethiopie, la légende de Lalibela”,  Documentaire réalisé par Agnès Molia et Nathalie Laville, consacré à la mission archéologique de Lalibela dirigée par Marie-Laure Derat et Claire Bosc-Tiessé. Avec la participation de...