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Étiqueté : Gender

TERRAIN/FIELDWORK: Gender and Development through Local Epistemologies

TERRAIN/FIELDWORK Gender and Development through Local Epistemologies: Exploring the Religio-Cultural Underpinnings of Spousal Abuse Attitudes among Orthodox Täwahәdo Christians in Northern Ethiopia and Implications for Changing Attitudes and Norms within Local Worldviews by Romina...

CFEE JOINT SEMINAR: Researching spousal abuse perceptions and attitudes among Orthodox Täwahәdo believers and clergy in Aksum

CFEE Joint Seminar on Contemporary Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa (2017-2018) With the Department of Sociology, Addis Ababa University 1st Session: Researching spousal abuse perceptions and attitudes among Orthodox Täwahәdo believers and clergy in Aksum by...

Call for Applications – CFEE Field Grants / Appel à candidatures – Bourses de terrain CFEE

APPEL À CANDIDATURES / CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Le Centre français des Études éthiopiennes (CFEE) d’Addis-Abeba (Éthiopie), Institut français de recherche à l’étranger (IFRE) du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international (MAEDI) et du...

PUBLICATION : Annales d’Ethiopie, n°30

PUBLICATION CFEE / CFEE PUBLICATION Annales d’Éthiopie, n° 30 (2015) Special Issue on « Women, Gender and Religions in Ethiopia » Varia / Miscelaneous, Documents, Compte-rendu de lecture / Review.   Sommaire / Contents et résumés /...