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Étiqueté : Tigray

Film réalisé à partir du projet de recherche Troglopie mené par Anaïs Lamesa sur les églises rupestres du Tigray

DOCUMENTARY / DOCUMENTAIRE Des traces de mémoire et d’histoire Anaïs Lamesa, Thierry Bertomeu, Clio Gavagni Version française accessible gratuitement en ligne sur Vimeo English-subtitled version available free online HERE   Le documentaire Des traces...

Documentary Screening: Abraham & Sarah Hosting the Gundagundo Pilgrims, Thursday 28th October 2021, 4 PM

DOCUMENTARY / DOCUMENTAIRE Abraham & Sarah II. Hosting the Gundagundo Pilgrims By Tesfahun Haddis (2018) Thursday 28th October 2021, 4 PM @ CFEE   To pursue the weekly screening cycle of ethnographic and archaeological...

CFEE Seminar: Ethiopia and its Islamic environment in the Middle Ages: The ERC project and its fieldwork in Bilet (Tigray)

Ethiopia and its Islamic environment in the Middle Ages: The ERC project and its fieldwork in Bilet (Tigray)   By Deresse Ayenachew (Debre Berhan University), Amélie Chekroun (CNRS, IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence), Bertrand Hirsch (Paris-1 Sorbonne...

TERRAIN/FIELDWORK: Gender and Development through Local Epistemologies

TERRAIN/FIELDWORK Gender and Development through Local Epistemologies: Exploring the Religio-Cultural Underpinnings of Spousal Abuse Attitudes among Orthodox Täwahәdo Christians in Northern Ethiopia and Implications for Changing Attitudes and Norms within Local Worldviews by Romina...